Argentine Unions March for Social Assistance Demands

May 7, 2024 Hour: 9:50 pm

Social organizations and pickets held demonstrations on Tuesday in different localities of Argentina to protest and request the suppression of social programs and interruptions of canteens promoted by the Government of Javier Milei.


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For its part, the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL), denounced through a statement “the dismantling of the Labor Empowerment program and the halving of the salary of 200,000 workers and the freeze since November 2023. We continue in the street for genuine work and all our demands”.

The demonstrations approached the vicinity of the Quinta de Olivos (presidential residence Argentina) and requested to contact the representative of the Executive, to deliver a request to resolve the situation of community canteens, who are in short supply.

The picket leader of the Polo Obrero, Eduardo Belliboni criticized the anti-piette protocol and said that “we seek to solve the food problem. We want to march to the Quinta de Olivos to deliver a petition, but we have the protocol”.

 The text reads, 

trong operation at Pt Saavedra March towards the Olivos farm. Bullrich wants to apply protocol

Belliboni also said the leader has not yet had “a meeting with those responsible for this situation, closed canteens and destroyed social programs. In the neighborhoods, people are once again stirring up garbage because the Government has decided to cut all the community canteens in Argentina”.

The organizers of the march said that in five months it does not provide for the allocation of food bags for the canteens by government authorities. Similarly, some 200,000 workers enrolled in social programs were cut and the actions carried out in poor neighborhoods of the nation.

The police forces exchanged tense moments with the demonstrators, who still remain on the roads leading to Buenos Aires (capital), arteries of the Buenos Aires conurbation and metropolitan area, as well as on some routes of the nation.

The marches take place 48 hours after the national strike organized by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) against economic adjustment and the Omnibus Law, a legislative bill that, among other proposals, provides for reforms in the labor area.

Autor: teleSUR/ CC


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